I pretty much failed at my list of 36 mysteries for last year's Vintage challenge, but since that left me with 27 mysteries written prior to 1960 that I'd like to read, I've chosen to attempt it again. I'm doing the GOLDEN CARD.

From Bev -
This year's challenge will be run as a Bingo extravaganza. I have also added a level to the challenge this year--dividing the Vintage mysteries into Silver & Golden Ages. I, being the crazy challengaholic that I am, will be attempting both Bingo Cards. My declared challenge will be to finish two Bingos on each card (a total of 24 books). But those of you who know me well won't be surprised if I don't go for all the marbles and try to cover both cards....Why don't you come and join me? Click this link to see the complete rules.
*One Free Space per card—you may use your Free Space to cover any spot on the board. The Free Space book must fulfill one of the categories from the card, but it may fulfill ANY space you like—even a category you have already fulfilled. For example…if you are having trouble finding a book to meet the “mode of transportation” category, but you really need that space to complete a BINGO then you may read a book that meets any other category on the board and use your Free Space to claim the “mode of transportation” space.
*No double-counting. A book may not count for both the original category (say, "Woman in the Title") and as the Free Space to replace "mode of transportation." A second "Woman in the Title" would need to be read to complete the Free Space and replace "mode of transportation."
*BINGOS may be claimed by completing all spaces in a row--horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. You may also claim a “Four Corner” BINGO by reading a book for each of the four corners plus two more spaces—any two. A valid BINGO must have six complete spaces.
*Any challenger who completes one BINGO will be entered in a drawing at the end of the year. Any challenger who completes two or more BINGOs (either from the same card or BINGOs from each card) will automatically be offered a prize from the prize list. Any challenger who covers a card by completing all categories will automatically be offered a prize from the prize list (as referred to in the "two or more BINGOs" section) PLUS a special surprise bonus.
Color - Death in A White Tie by Ngaio Marsh (Roderick Alleyn #7) 1938
World Setting (not US or England) - The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins 1868
Crime Besides Murder -
Locked Room - The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie 1921
Academic - Gaudy Night by Dorothy Sayers 1935
Set in Entertainment World - Enter a Murder by Ngaio Marsh (Roderick Alleyn #2) 1935
Multiple titles - Plot It Yourself aka Murder in Style by Rex Stout 1959
Number - Five Red Herrings by Dorothy Sayers (Lord Peter Wimsey #7) 1931
Food -
Author Never Read -
Murder Method -
Woman in Title - The Haunted Lady by Mary Roberts Rinehart 1942
Spooky Title -
Made into Movie - Mrs. McGinty's Dead By Agatha Christie 1952
Amateur Detective - (need one for a diagonal)
Man in Title -
Country House - The Unfinished Clue by Georgette Heyer 1937
Mode of Transportation - The Rome Express by Arthur Griffiths 1907
Author Read - (needed for 1st row across)
Court Room - The Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie 1948
Read by Fellow Challenger -
Professional Detective - Tell Her It's Murder by Helen Reilly 1954
Water - Voyage into Violence by Frances & Richard Lockridge 1956
Outside Comfort Zone - The Beetle by Richard Marsh 1897 - hypnostism
Team - The North Meets Murder by Frances & Richard Lockridge 1940
Time of Day or Month - The Clock Strikes Twelve by Patricia Wentworth 1944
Translated -
Short Stories -
England - Artists in Crime by Ngaio Marsh (Roderick Alleyn #2) 1938
Borrowed - (needed for last row across)
Animal - Canary Murder Case by S.S. Van Dine (Philo Vance #2) 1927
Place - The Nursing Home Mystery by Ngaio Marsh 1935
Size - The Big Four by Agatha Christie 1927
Medical -
Pseudonym -
Set in US - The Benson Murder Case by S. S. Van Dine (Philo Vance #1) 1926
I still have my free space and I may have to use it...
Welcome Back! Good luck finding some good Bingos!