Monday, April 29, 2013

Monthly Keyword Challenge 2013

This was originally posted over at my other blogspot site.
Since I'm now putting reviews here, I thought I'd move it over to make more sense.

Kim at Bookmark to Blog has chosen ten key words associated with each month in 2013. My task is to read one book each month whose title includes one or more of the key words for that month.


* The title you choose can be a variation on one of the key words. For example- your title could include the word 'snowing'
or 'snowflake' even though the key word is 'snow.'

*Key words can be tweaked. For example- You could read "Cinder" or "Ashes" for the key word 'Fire' and that would be just fine. If the key word is 'family' then your title could include the word 'sister' or 'mother.'If the key word is 'food' then your title could include the word 'cake.'

* Link up at the challenge site (click above) to participate and add additional links any time you post about the challenge or post about a book you read for the challenge.

Monthly Key Words:

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 My Plan:
January - Wintergirls - 1/5/2013
February - What Hearts - 2/2/2013

March - The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had - 3/29/2013
April - The Forgotten Garden - 4/29/2013
May - The Boy Who Drew Birds A Guide to the Birds of East Africa - 5/13/2013
June - My Only Sunshine 6/7/2013

July - West With the Night
August - All Set Sail: A Romance of the Flying Cloud
September - These Old Shades
October - Tell Her It's Murder

November - Behind the Beautiful Forevers
December - A Hope in the Unseen

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